How Kiln Dried logs are produced? (using waste biomass)

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Buying kiln dried logs is one of the best ways to heat your home while also saving quite a lot of money. This is wood that’s ready to burn, it has a low amount of moisture (under 20%), and it’s ideal for indoor and outdoor use. These logs for sale Dublin also come with an affordable price point, which makes such firewood ideal for most people. But how is kiln dried firewood made?


The kiln drying process

  • First, the trees are felled and they are brought to the sawmill. The main focus is to debark and then sort logs by end-use, size or species. Here you will have logs for firewood purposes, while others can be used for building roofing wooden flooring and many other uses.

  • Once the logs have been sorted out for firewood, you will add them into an industrial kiln. This usually has a large chamber such as inselated shed where the wood is stacked in bundles. Heat is added into the chamber via piping that makes sure air is circulated adequately in that space. This helps dry the wood consistently and in a controlled manner.

  • Usually, the kiln operates at 80 degrees for most firewood types. It can take around 4-5 days to reduce the moisture to around 20% or 15%. Once that happens, you can remove those logs from the kiln and they are ready to get packaged. 

    As you can see, the kiln drying process is very efficient, it works really well, and it delivers exactly the results and benefits you want, without having to worry about any issues. It’s a great way to have your wood ready to burn, while also assuring that the moisture content is very low.

Is it a good idea to use kiln dry logs as firewood?

Yes, kiln-dried firewood liight really fast and burn slow and hot when you pick dence wood like beech hornbeam and oak. Another advantage here is the fact that it has a really clean burn, which is very rare in most situations. Any of the remaining water or sap is removed during the drying process. That means you have less tar or soot buildup in your chimney or fireplace. You’ll have clean air within your home and the much-needed heat as well.

Thanks to the low moisture content, you don’t have to worry about condensates that might end up leading to all kinds of home fires. Instead, this is a safe and efficient way for you to burn wood in your stove and avail of all the benefits in an appropriate manner.


We recommend you to give kiln dried logs a try because not only are they very dependable, they have a clean burn and you get to control the temperature a lot easier. It’s the most efficient firewood that you can find right now, and it’s bringing in some incredible benefits and outstanding value. Start using kiln dried logs Dublin today, and you will be very impressed with the results and experience!

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